If you and your student will be starting at a new school building next year, we invite you to come to an upcoming meeting! You are welcome to join!

If you know a 4-12th grade male student who may be interested in choir, we encourage you to bring them to the first annual Tenor/Bass Bash!


The Silas Willard PTO treated the staff to an amazing lunch today! Thank you, PTO!

Upcoming Dates to Remember!

Come support Galesburg CUSD #205 students and get into the Holiday Spirit! We hope to see you!

Silas Willard Parents, we need your help! Please click on the link to participate in the Illinois 5Essentials parent survey! Your feedback is important! Thank you. https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/

Just a reminder:
Monday 11/25/19 Regular Attendance
Tuesday 11/26/19 One Hour Early Dismissal
Wednesday 11/27/19 No School
Thursday 11/28/19 No School
Friday 11/29/19 No School

PAW Patrol

Reminder: No school on Monday, November 11, 2019. Classes resume on Tuesday, November 12, 2019.

Reminder: CUSD #205 K-12 buildings will be on a Half Day Dismissal schedule on Thursday, October 31, 2019. http://bit.ly/205buildingtimes

Silas Willard’s Halloween parade is scheduled for 10:30 on October 31st.

This week is National Principal Appreciation Week! Please join us and thank each and every one of our principals and assistant principals for all their hard work and dedication to Galesburg CUSD #205. We appreciate all you do!

REMINDER: Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18 are both 1 Hour Early Dismissal Days for CUSD #205 Schools. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/455925/Early_Outs.pdf

Winner’s Circle

Winner’s Circle

Winner’s Circle

Winner’s Circle

October 2 is School Custodian Appreciation Day! We are thankful for all the wonderful Custodians in Galesburg CUSD #205!

Acknowledge. Care. Tell. Act. (A.C.T.) Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScN65CqxWs8UDy3uZ9Q4p4hnPcIN4zwSU3uHoEWdGRZhL8hsg/viewform